The Huckstep Heart and Lung Center offers medically supervised programs for clients with heart disease or breathing disorders. Our programs help prevent our clients from losing function while at the same time helping them to remain in control of their lives. To participants it becomes more than just a program -- staff and other participants become like a family.
The staff is specially trained and highly credited in their fields. They take a personal interest in the rehabilitation of each client and use their years of experience to improve the quality of life for all that come through their door.
On-site Rehabilitation Offers These Advantages:
- Patient Safety -- The Huckstep Heart & and Lung Center is located inside Parkland Farmington adjacent to the Emergency Department, providing the assurance of immediate medical care if needed.
- Compliance -- There is a much higher success rate when patients attend a structured program.
Requirements for the Program:
Heart disease such as heart attack, heart surgery, congestive heart failure, angioplasty or angina
-- or --
- Pulmonary (lung) disease such as emphysema, asthma, chronic bronchitis, restrictive pulmonary disease, COPD, cystic fibrosis, or bronchiectasis
- A physician's order is required
Benefits of Cardiac (Heart) or Pulmonary (Lung) Rehabilitation
- Improved capacity for work and exercise
- Improved circulation
- More efficient and conditioned heart, lungs and other muscles
- An outlet for tension
- Reduction in anxiety and depression
- Helps control blood sugar
- Can help with weight goals with proper diet
- Improved socialization through activities
- Enhanced quality of life
Program Components
Cardiac Program:
- Telemetry-monitored exercise classes
- Individualized exercise prescription based upon condition and response to therapy
- Cardiac education -- family members are always welcome
Pulmonary Program:
Breathing retraining, bronchial hygiene, medications and proper nutrition
- Ongoing assessments of oxygenation, shortness-of-breath and functional capacity
- Pulmonary education (family members welcome)
You and your physician determine the starting date. Most cardiac patients start shortly after their heart attack. Pulmonary patients begin as soon as they are diagnosed with a stable chronic lung disease.
Schedule and Classes:
- Weekly education programs
- Rehabilitation sessions three times per week
- Classes are facilitated by a multi-disciplinary team including:
- Nurses
- Registered dietitians
- Respiratory therapists
- Occupational therapists
- Pharmacists
Medicare and most other insurances cover Huckstep Heart and Lung services.
History of Huckstep Heart and Lung Center
Parkland's Cardiac Rehabilitation opened in 1994. It was created in memory of Dr. Robert Huckstep who had envisioned a center in which heart patients could receive assistance in returning to a normal and active life. In 1994, the vision was expanded to include respiratory rehabilitation services. Soon after, the name was changed to Parkland's Huckstep Center and in 2007, the name was changed to Huckstep Heart and Lung Center. The center provides cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation services to 250 patients annually.