Medical Arts Convenient Care has extended its hours to provide additional care to patients in our community.
Located at 534 Maple Valley Drive in Farmington, Medical Arts Convenient Care treats patients ages 6 months and older and will now be open seven days a week from 8:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. (closed from 1:00-2:00 p.m. daily for lunch). Walk-ins are welcome, and a visit to Medical Arts Convenient Care requires the same co-pay as a primary care visit, which is often less expensive than a visit to the emergency room.
“Offering extended hours 7 days a week will allow our team to better serve the medical needs of our community,” said Kim Robinson, Practice Administrator for BJC HealthCare’s Medical Arts Convenient Care. “Our Convenient Care is ideal for receiving care when a patient’s primary care physician or pediatrician’s office is closed or unavailable, as well as for needs that don’t require a trip to an emergency department.”
Medical Arts Convenient Care treats many common injuries and illnesses for patients of all ages, including but not limited to, cough, cold, and flu symptoms, sinus infections, fevers, joint & muscle sprains, sore throat or earache, insect bites, rashes, eye irritation, and more.